DAI骨病醫學 (DAI Osteopathic programs)

【2025.04.03-06】 DAI 局部精準淋巴平衡Specific Lymphatic Balancing (SPLB)



DAI Specific Lymphatic Balancing 局部精準淋巴平衡 

D'Ambrogio Institute (簡稱DAI)與世界聞名的Upledger Institute (專精顱薦治療)與Barral Institute(專精內臟手法)並列為國際醫療教育聯盟(IAHE)三大治療體系。DAI創辦人,也就是本研習會的講師,Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio 是一位聞名世界的骨病醫師(DO)。D'Ambrogio 醫師於 1988 年開始講學,已在全球 20 多個國家任教。

DAI自2024年起將所有課程重整,分為: 淋巴(Lymphatic)、筋骨(Orthopedic)、與能量(Energetic)三大學程(curriculum),本學會將陸續引進。

  Course Description 研習會說明

局部精準淋巴平衡(SPLB) 建立在全身淋巴平衡原理的基礎上,為手法治療的專家們提供一種精準且實用的方法來解決局部功能異常。這門進階講座強調精準的評估和治療技術,以解決軟組織、骨骼、關節、體腔和淋巴結等區域的水腫(edema)、積液(effusion)和阻塞(congestion)問題。

局部精準淋巴平衡(SPLB)紮根於傳統的骨病淋巴技術,經過改良優化後更適用於現代臨床的實踐應用。它整合了淋巴結技法(nodal techniques)、撫觸按摩技法(Effleurage)、短槓桿泵浦技法(short-lever pumping)、短槓桿引流技法(short-lever drainage)及局部泵浦技法(local pumping),以改善液體流動、減少腫脹並恢復身體平衡。配合主動淋巴泵浦 (Active lymphatic pump,ALP)運動,進一步提升治療效果,支持免疫功能和自主神經系統調節。


  Course Objectives 研習目標


•   治療部位(where to treat):運用全身篩查(Total Body Screening Examination, TBSE),判斷個案是否需要全身性(systematic)或局部性(specific)的治療。本講座專注於符合局部性治療標準的個案,幫助您精準定位。

•   治療內容(what to treat):利用局部評估(Specific Evaluation, SPEV)技術,精確辨別需要介入的淋巴及靜脈阻塞區域。

•   治療方式(how to treat):學習並掌握必要技術,按照正確的治療順序學習,有效解決局部淋巴的問題。



• 全身篩查(Total Body Screening Examination, TBSE):利用TBSE評估個案需要全身(systematic)治療還是局部(specific)治療。

• 局部評估(SPEV):執行針對性評估方法,檢測以下項目:

  1.  非對稱性(Asymmetry)

  2. 主動與被動的活動範圍(Range of Motion)

  3. 組織張力(Tissue Tension)、滑動度(Glide)、質地變化(Texture Changes)及壓痛(Tenderness)

  4. 淋巴結阻塞及四肢重量測試

• 淋巴系統解剖學與生理學:深入了解淋巴系統,重點關注頭頸、腋窩和腹股溝淋巴區域,以及腹部腔室。



  • 淋巴結技法(Nodal Techniques):打開近端淋巴結,為腫脹部位建立清晰的引流路徑。

  • 撫觸按摩技法(Effleurage Techniques):清除腫脹部位上方的的引流通道。 

  • 短槓桿泵浦技法(Short-Lever Pumping):促進液體在腫脹部位上方移動,以清除通道。 

  • 短槓桿引流技法(Short-Lever Drainage):減少腫脹、積液或水腫部位的阻塞。 

  • 局部泵浦技法(Local Pumping Techniques):處理更深層的阻塞,並將其帶到更表淺以利進行引流。

  • 主動淋巴泵浦(Active Lymphatic Pumping,ALP)運動:教導個案在家執行居家運動以維持治療效果。



  • 複習相關解剖學知識

  • 按照正確的治療順序(由近端到遠端,再從遠端回到近端)應用技術

  • 通過主動淋巴泵浦(ALP)運動,加強體液回流到心臟



總結: 課程結束後,你將能夠 ~

• 自信地執行局部評估(Specific Evaluation, SPEV)技術:精準辨別並優先處理淋巴功能異常區域。

• 有效運用局部精準淋巴平衡(Specific Lymphatic Balancing, SPLB)技術:針對局部病灶進行精確治療,提升療效。

• 循序漸進地重新評估治療:確保個案獲得最佳結果。

這門進階講座為您提供知識與技術,將局部精準淋巴平衡(Specific Lymphatic Balancing, SPLB)整合至您的臨床實務中,改善個案照護品質,帶來更持久的治療成果。


 創辦人/講師 Founder/Instructor

Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP

  • Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio是一位骨病醫生、物理治療師、與針灸醫師。他是《擺位釋放療法Positional Release》(Mosby)的作者,他的發表文章曾在物理治療、職能治療和按摩治療雜誌中刊登。
  • D’Ambrogio醫生於1988年開始講學,至今已在全球20多個國家進行教學。他是Upledger研究所、Barral研究所和國際醫療教育聯盟(IAHE)認可的認證導師。他創立了D’Ambrogio研究所(DAI),旨在提供全面的骨病手法課程,培訓臨床專家做出更好的患者照護决策。

  Agenda 議程表

Day 1  Foundations of Lymphatic Balancing

  Morning Session 1: Course Introduction, Foundations & Anatomy Overview

  • Welcome & Course Overview

          o Objectives and Expectations.

          o Importance of Specific Lymphatic Balancing (SPLB).

          o Overview of the Course Structure and Study Guide.

  • What is Lymphatic Balancing?

          o Review of LB Principles: Why systemic readiness is critical.

          o Relationship between Systemic and Specific LB.

  • Lymphatic Anatomy Overview (Systemic):

          o Structure and function of the lymphatic system.

          o Lymphatic pathways, nodes, and vessels.

          o Drainage pathways and their role in health and homeostasis.

Morning Session 2: Total Body Screening Examination (TBSE)

  • Introduction to TBSE:

          o Why TBSE is essential for determining systemic or specific treatment.

          o Review of TBSE as taught in Systemic LB (for students who may not have attended).

  • Workshop: TBSE Techniques

       o Supervised hands-on practice.

Afternoon Session 1: Specific Evaluation (SPEV)

  • Introduction to SPEV:

          o Transitioning from TBSE to Specific Evaluation.

          o ARTS Framework:

  1. Asymmetry: Landmark evaluation.
  2. Range of Motion (ROM): Active and passive testing.
  3. Tissue Tests: Tenderness, glide, tension, and texture.
  4. Special Tests: Nodal congestion, limb heaviness.
  • Workshop: Practice SPEV Techniques.

Afternoon Session 2: Systemic Active Lymphatic Pumping (ALP) Exercises

  • Systemic ALP Routine:

          o Importance of clearing systemic pathways before localized treatment.

          o ALP exercises for systemic readiness:

  1. Balancing transverse diaphragms.
  2. Promoting low-pressure flow from distal to proximal.

          o Group Activity: Practice systemic ALP exercises.

Day 2 Principles and Specific Techniques of LB

  Morning Session 1: Principles of Specific LB & Techniques

  • Principles of Specific LB Techniques:

          o Proximal-to-distal and distal-to-proximal flow.

          o Key considerations for localized swelling and effusion.

          o Common provider errors to avoid.

Morning Session 2: Nodal Techniques and Effleurage

  • Nodal Techniques:

          o Short-lever and long-lever techniques.

          o Opening proximal nodes for drainage.

  • Effleurage Techniques:

       o Clearing pathways above the site of swelling.

  • Workshop: Practice nodal and effleurage techniques.

Afternoon Session 1: Short-Lever Techniques

  • Short-Lever Pumping and Drainage Techniques:

          o Pumping to promote fluid movement (above swelling).

          o Drainage to reduce congestion (at the swelling site).

  • Workshop: Supervised practice of short-lever techniques.

Afternoon Session 2: Local Pumping Techniques & Exercises

  • Local Pumping Techniques:

          o Application at deeper congestion sites.

  • Active Lymphatic Pumping (ALP) Exercises:

          o Teaching ALP exercises for localized areas.

  • Workshop: Practice of local techniques and ALP exercises.

Day 3 Treatment Applications for Ventral Cavity and Inguinal Lymphotomes

  Morning Session 1: Ventral Cavity Anatomy & Treatment Application

  • Anatomy Review:

          o Drainage pathways of the ventral cavity.

  • Treatment Application:

          o Sequencing techniques for ventral cavity treatment.

          o ALP exercises specific to the ventral cavity.

Morning Session 2: Inguinal Lymphotome Anatomy & Treatment Application

  • Anatomy Review:

          o Drainage pathways of the inguinal lymphotome. 

  • Treatment Application:

          o Sequencing techniques for inguinal lymphotome treatment.

          o ALP exercises specific to the inguinal lymphotome.

Afternoon Session 1: Workshop on Inguinal Lymphotome

  • Workshop:

          o  Hands-on practice for lumbar spine treatments.

Afternoon Session 2: Workshop on Inguinal Lymphotome

  • Workshop:

          o Hands-on practice for lower extremity treatments.

Day 4 Treatment Applications for Axillary and Cranio-Cervical Lymphotomes

  Morning Session 1: Axillary Lymphotome Anatomy & Treatment Application

  • Anatomy Review:

          o Drainage pathways of the axillary lymphotome.

  • Treatment Application:

          o Sequencing techniques for axillary lymphotome treatment.

          o ALP exercises specific to the axillary lymphotome.

Morning Session 2: Workshop on Axillary Lymphotome

  • Workshop:

          o Hands-on practice for thorax and upper extremity treatments.

Afternoon Session 1: Cranio-Cervical Lymphotome Anatomy & Treatment Application

  • Anatomy Review:

          o Drainage pathways of the cranio-cervical lymphotome.

  • Treatment Application:

          o Sequencing techniques for cranio-cervical lymphotome treatment.

          o ALP exercises specific to the cranio-cervical lymphotome.

Afternoon Session 2: Workshop on Cranio-Cervical Lymphotome & Wrap-Up

  • Workshop:

          o Hands-on practice for cervical spine and cranium treatments.

  • Course Wrap-Up:

          o Review of key principles and techniques.

          o Certificates and feedback session.

  Qualification 報名資格

非常適合物理治療師、醫師、身體工作專家(body worker)、運動訓練師(athletic trainers)等。


  1. 有效處理慢性和急性腫脹、阻塞和體液失衡。
  2. 提升手法治療技術,掌握進階淋巴技術。
  3. 以評估為基礎,用系統化的治療方法,提升個案的療效。

  Host 主辦單位


Somategrity Academy in Taiwan

  Course Delivery  授課方式


地點:台北市中正區衡陽路20號6樓  全衡學苑

 The course will be provided face-to-face at the Somategrity Academy

Venue: 6F, NO.20, Heng-yang Rd., Chung-Cheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100004

  Certification 專業認證


Official DAI certificates will be issued upon completing the course.

  Registration Fee 研習費用

報名費用:$ 40000 元/人(含認證費用,不含午餐)  
早鳥優惠:$ 38000 元/人 (2025/01/31前報名繳費)

三人團報 可享優惠 [2025年02月28日截止]   (已享早鳥優惠報名者,恕難再參加團報)

請記得於   <一週內>   繳費,才算完成報名手續喔!

Registration Fee: $40000 NTD
 Early Bird Discount:  $38000 NTD dollars before Jan. 31, 2025 (GMT+8).

 ★ Please effect the payment within a week, or the qualification would be failed.
 港澳學員匯款方式請加入全衡學苑LINE官方 ( ID: @408pmkfw )或E-mail : tas.infocenter@gmail.com 來信詢問。

  Registration Process 報名方式

由於講座名額有限制,有意參加者,請填寫以下表單報名,並於   <一週內>    完成繳款,逾期未繳費即喪失報名資格。
**候補學員請勿繳費,待收到“候補轉正取”email 通知後,再行匯款。**

There is a limit on the number of attendees.
If you want to join the class, please press the "BOOK NOW" button below, and effect the payment within a week


  Notice 注意事項

由於日後 「無法補課」 ,請於報名前慎重考慮是否能出席講座。

 The course will be held online without allowing recording or making up, and it would only be translated into Mandarin.

Please make sure the possibility of attending the course before completing the registration. 

【智慧財產權聲明】Intellectual Property Rights 

To protect the intellectual property rights of the instructor, please do not record the the course material in class. 
There will be consequences for violating the law of copyright.

  Cancellation Policy 退費約定

  • 若招生不足,本單位有取消講座的權利。
  • 若因講座取消或改期而導致相關損失(如訂房費,交通費等),恕難由主辦單位負責。
  • 若因不可抗拒之因素而無法舉辦,則該堂講座之報名費全額退費。
  • 若因個人因素無法參加,於「講座開始日」前31日之前申請退費者,酌收行政作業費用 $1000 元/堂。
  • 「講座開始日」前30日至前16日間申請退費者,退還70%。
  • 「講座開始日」前15日至前8日間申請退費者,退還50%。
  • 「講座開始日」前7日及7日內申請退費或講座當天缺席未到者,恕不退費,日後亦無法補參加講座。
    << 申請退費者,請以 E-mail:tas.infocenter@gmail.com 通知本會 >> 
  • Somategrity Academy reserves the right to cancel the course due to insufficient enrollment.
  • If the course be canceled or postponed eventually, Somategrity Academy is not responsible for extra costs including transportation fee, living expenses, etc.
  • The registration fee will be fully refunded in case of course-cancelation due to irresistible cause.
  • Attendees who give up their spot due to personal reasons, their registration fee will be refunded by a percentage based on the date they applied for a refund:
    1. Applied for a refund 31 days before the course start date: 100% full tuition fee refund, but a 1000 NTD administration fee will be charged.
    2. Applied for a refund in between the period of 16 to 30 days before the course start date: a 70% registration fee refund.
    3. Applied for a refund in between the period of 8 to 15 days  before the course start date: a 50% registration fee refund.
  • There will be no refunds for attendees who are absent from the course, and the refunds cannot be applied within 7 days before the course start date, either.

          Please email us if you need to apply for refunds.  Our Email Address: tas.infocenter@gmail.com

  Course Transfer Policy  轉課約定

  • 轉課以一次為限,辦理後不得再次申請轉課。
  • 講座開始日前 31日(含) 申請轉課者,如有產生退費差額,將酌收行政作業費用 $500 元/堂(海外學員另有退費行政費用規範)。
  • 講座開始日前 30日內,不接受轉課申請,僅可依照退費約定辦理退費。


  • Course transfer is limited to one time only. Once processed, no further transfer requests will be accepted.
  • For transfer requests made 31 days or more before the course start date, an administrative fee of $500 per course will be charged if there is any refund difference (additional regulations apply for overseas participants).
  • Transfer requests will not be accepted within 30 days prior to the course start date. Only refund requests can be processed according to the refund policy.

  Venue 學苑地址

 100004 台北市中正區衡陽路20號6樓 

Address:  6F, NO.20, Heng-yang Rd., Chung-Cheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100004

【大眾交通】  捷運西門站四號出口步行約7分鐘。  捷運紅線: 台大醫院站1號出口步行約5分鐘。

停車資訊】  台灣聯通衡陽停車場: 臺北市中正區衡陽路51號B3-B6   請點我


Contact us / 聯絡我們

 100004 台北市中正區衡陽路20號6樓 

- TEL 


- 聯絡人
  (Line官方 ID :@408pmkfw)